Planetary at SXSW 2022

Planetary had a busy week at SXSW! While we didn’t manage to capture all of the amazing things that we saw, here are some snapshots from our time at the iconic Austin festival.

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 Yard Act have stomped into 2022 (hello Jimmy Fallon), & played some of the most high-intensity shows at SX, regardless of the venue. Our boots-on-the-ground Chris managed to say hello!


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Irish four-piece Pillow Queens also crossed the pond for SX, & we caught them at the Velveeta Room.


This year, we had the pleasure of working with two international showcases: FOCUS Wales & the Montreal Mish-Mash, hosted by POP Montreal & M For Montreal. Both were held at Swan Dive, & both really put their artists on the map!

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Magi Merlin at the Montreal Mish-Mash


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TEKE::TEKE at the Montreal Mish-Mash


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Bodywash at the Montreal Mish-Mash


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Le Ren at the Montreal Mish-Mash


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Fanclubwallet at the Montreal Mish-Mash


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Mitch Davis at the Montreal Mish-Mash


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Bandicoot at the FOCUS Wales showcase


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Buzzard Buzzard Buzzard at the FOCUS Wales showcase


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 Mace The Great at the FOCUS Wales showcase


We also made sure to see several of our other artists, playing all across the city of Austin.

unnamed 2 9 768x1024 - Planetary at SXSW 2022Elephant Stone playing the International Day Stage on Saturday.


unnamed 3 1 768x1024 - Planetary at SXSW 2022 unnamed 4 768x1024 - Planetary at SXSW 2022Norway’s Fieh also played the International Day Stage.. And said hi to Adam!


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 Freetown Collective, from Trinidad &Tobago, bringing the vibes to Flamingo Cantina.


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Here’s Canadian four-piece Altameda, who we’re excited to be working with soon!


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Laurence-Anne, signed to Montreal label Bonsound, at The Yellowjacket Social Club.


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Oh Canada, you really do spoil us! Here’s another great band from our northern neighbor – Tallies.


Well, we had a dizzying week in Austin, trying to catch as many of our artists as we could! But no matter how crazy it was, we wouldn’t have it any other way. SXSW, it was so good to be back – we’ll see you next year!