Artist Feature: Khazali

Planetary Group took some time to get to know Khazali…

Planetary Group: Tell us about your latest release. How did you come to create it?

Khazali: The idea of the EP really came about when I had quite an intense dream that involved a couple in a Californian house having an argument. So I wrote it all down in my dream journal and the EP was born!

PG: Share a bit about your musical journey, from when you first started making music until now.

Khazali: So my journey into music really started when I was in uni. I started looking at my dream journals to kind of get my thoughts on paper, and then I started to mix that with music. 

PG: Let’s talk about the music that you love. Pick one album for each category below & tell us a bit about it!

  1. An album you grew up listening to:

Khazali: So when it comes to the albums that are really important to me, my top album ever would probably be The English Riviera by Metronomy because it soundtracked quite an important time for me.

  1. An album that inspires you as an artist (I’m sure there are many, but pick one of your choosing):

Khazali: I think that would be a hard question to answer. But I’d say that SBTRKT’s self-titled album is high up there on the list, because it’s the album that I discovered Sampha on. And I really like the way that he used his voice and the melodies and how they were a little bit off in places, but completely in all the right ways.

  1. The album you currently have on repeat:

Khazali: Since Future Nostalgia by Dua Lipa came out, I’ve been listening to it pretty much every single week, or at least a few songs from it. I just think it’s a really solid album – it really answers that brief, that creative challenge of being futuristic and nostalgic at the same time.

PG: What do you want people to take away from your music?

Khazali: Over the last couple of years, I’ve been writing songs that are quite positive, uplifting, and that’s kind of what I want people to feel when they listen to my music. I want them to feel uplifted. I want them to feel positive, even if it’s just for three minutes. Like I want it to be a vibe. 


What’s next up for you?

Khazali: I am currently writing my next project, which I’m really, really, really excited about. And I’m playing live with my band: we’re playing in Paris and London in the next couple of months! And just continuing doing what I’m doing and appreciating every moment. 

You can expect some really, really summery music in the summer!


Thanks to Khazali for speaking with us! Watch the video for “Dance on the Rain” below.